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What is ViRViT?

ViRViT is a cutting-edge app that bridges the gap between employers and jobseekers by offering job opportunities through video resumes and testimonials. It allows candidates to uniquely and dynamically showcase their skills and experiences.

ViRViT is an app that is available in both the Play Store and Apple store and also Website. This is a new application for candidates to upload their video resumes and video testimonials.

Submitting a video resume/testimonial is trending in the employment industry. It provides a deeper depth of an accurate description of the candidate’s personality, attitude, and skillsets as compared to the traditional paper resume.

ViRViT also assists Employers to hasten their selection process. Employers can create an account at and search for suitable candidates. With ViRViT, it makes the hiring process easier, faster, and more fun!

What is a video resume?

A video resume is a 60- 90 secs video that a candidate creates for employment to get hired in companies. It helps you stand out among other candidates that are applying for the same job. Our clients are requesting for candidates to submit both paper and video resumes.

Why ViRViT

Why ViRViT (2)

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